The last thing you want is for your animated avatar to accidentally 'flash' your user by letting the flesh peek through the clothing mesh. This tutorial shows you how you can animate the clothing and ...

Create and animate your own piece of clothing! This tutorial series shows you how to properly create and texture a single item of clothing. Once it's created, you can then attach it to an object and a ...

This video tutorial goes into how to set up composite textures for terrain when designing a landscape using Autodesk 3ds Max. Part Two then goes into some issues that users have had exporting their AD ...

If you're designing a game character, you'll never want to have them stand perfectly still. They should breathe or fidget, just like regular people do. This tutorial shows you how to use secondary ani ...

Replicate the famous double helix structure of DNA using the 3-D modeler Autodesk. This tutorial shows you how you can create your own 3-D model of a strand of DNA by applying the lattice modifier and ...

If you're creating a rope bridge, you'll want to make it as dynamic as possible. This tutorial shows you how to use a couple tools in Autodesk 3ds Max to make sure that your rope bridge is realistic w ...

Starting from a basic photograph of a facet and sink, this tutorial shows you how to start from a new blank project and then use several techniques, tools and methods to replicate a 3-D model using th ...

Looking for a quick primer on how to use Mr. Sky/Sun with 3ds Max? Look no further. Whether you're new to Autodesk's popular 3D modeling program or a seasoned graphic artist just interested in better ...

In this tutorial we'll start talking about Final Gather and Global illumination usage and optimization. We'll start talking about how to achieve a better result using FG and GI together and how to reu ...